About our company
Permentech is a Media, Entertainment, and Technology innovation and services company. Founded in 2015, starting out as a small media company. Starting out as Perspicuous Media, In 2019, Perspicuous Media added the Entertainment & Technology portion to the companies range of services. Which in short terms made the acronym of PERspicuous-MEdia- ENtertainment-TECHnology (PERMENTECH). The companies wide range of services includes everything from the podcast, podcast production, media production, entertainment, technology, innovation, technical services, and repairs.

What we do

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research and Development Drone innovation services, Smart Technology Consultation and Wireless Surveillance To ensure the protection of homes.

We offer various simulated experiences that are similar to the real world. Applications of virtual reality We cover various types of events

We transmit information from one place to another through intervening media Managing and overseeing all technical aspects of video recording and editing