From the smartphones in our hands to the smartwatches on our wrists to earbuds, technology is blending more and more with our bodies. With a small microchip, it is now practically getting under our skin. A human microchip implant is often an RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) transponder or identifying integrated circuit device that is placed inside the body of a human and covered in silicate glass. This kind of subdermal implant typically includes a special ID number that can be used to connect data from an external database, including contact details, personal identification, law enforcement, medical history, prescriptions, and allergies.
Numerous people in Sweden have had microchips implanted in their hands. Accessing users’ homes, workplaces, and gyms is as simple as swiping their hands across digital readers, which is how quickly and conveniently the chips are intended to speed up daily routines for users. Additionally, emergency contact information, social media profiles, and e-tickets for events and train trips can all be stored on chips. The small chips’ proponents claim that they are secure and largely immune to hacking, but experts are highlighting privacy issues because of the potential storage of sensitive personal health information.
The use of chips is an extension of the idea of the Internet of Things (IoT), which is a universe of linked things that will have over 30 billion connected devices by the end of 2020 and 75 billion devices by 2025. Knowing this will help you appreciate the big picture of this technology. We are now looking at little chips producing significant new privacy concerns, just as the world is starting to appreciate the numerous advantages of the Internet of Things but also learns about the “evil side” of “smart everything,” including our connected cities.
Without strong security, safety, and privacy measures implemented when using this tiny chip, we will be facing a cybersecurity nightmare with far-reaching consequences, in addition to an ethical dilemma in dealing with the population that refused to use it, who will be marginalized when it comes to things like jobs. This technology is promising and another step towards more convenience and simplifying many of the daily tasks of billions of people around the world. Two-thirds of employees feel that in 2035, people with chips implanted in their bodies will have an unfair edge in the labor market, according to a recent survey of workers in the United States and Europe.
People will view this technology as yet another attempt by both governments and corporations to obtain access to another piece of data about us and add it to the various channels already in use for information gathering until we have all the answers to the questions relating to this technology. utilizing our technological devices while being aware that by 2030, there will be 15 IoT devices on average for every American.